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21st October 2024 

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you work and at what times?
I am doing phone and online counselling which a lot of people find works well for them.
I do some weekend and evening work.

What does it cost?

My fee is £50 a session.

How long do sessions last?

Sessions last 50 minutes, with initial sessions sometimes taking slightly longer.

How often and for how long do people attend?

Once a week is usual.
Sometimes people get the help they need to cope with a specific problem in only a few sessions.
But if there is something that has affected your life for a long time, it is likely you take longer.
We usually agree to do six sessions initially, and then to review progress.
You are not under any pressure to commit more time or money to therapy than feels right for you.
However, when you are ready to end, it is good for us both to take time to prepare for the best ending, so you can move ahead confidently. This also helps you process other endings and losses in your life.

What happens if I decide to go ahead?

Text or telephone me on 07849112533. I cannot always answer the phone immediately but will get back to you as soon as possible.

We will arrange a time and date for our first meeting, when you can tell me what brought you to counselling and what you want to achieve. It is important for counsellors to work within the limits of their competence, so I will ask you some questions so that I can be confident of working effectively with you. Similarly, you can make a decision about whether what I offer meets your needs. If we decide to work together, usually we will agree to meet weekly.

You've explained what you offer, but what is counselling?

Counselling is a 'talking therapy' that aims to provide you with a safe, confidential space in which to explore your feelings and thoughts about the issues you want to resolve.

It cannot change other people or the circumstances you live in, but it can help you to change yourself.
By becoming clearer and more confident about what you want, you get better at taking steps to alter external circumstances or improve relationships.

It is my role to help you feel safe enough to explore your issues, and support you as you gain more insight and understanding into areas that are difficult to resolve.
We will also work together on the changes that could bring you a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

These terms are often used interchangeably.
Psychotherapy is extensive and deep, exploring the sources of issues and how the past might be influencing you and preventing you from moving forward in a positive way.
Counselling could be shorter, targeted on a specific issue, or it could be more extensive and look at long-term issues which are recurring in your life.

What happens in the first session?

I will take some details, and find out from you why you have come and what you want to work on. This is important, because although each week you will bring whatever topics you want to, I will listen for how that relates to what you came to work on.

You are the only person who can make these changes in your life, so I want to make sure you have the opportunity to find your own way of doing that.

I have another question.

This page may not answer all your questions: if there is anything else you would like to discuss about counselling or psychotherapy please call or email me.

Telephone me on 07849 112533 or email me at